Kraken Io Game

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Play - Multiplayer First Person Shooter set in a pixel universe. Jump in and survive! is an online multiplayer game. In the game, players play as a cannon on a ship. Multiple players can end up on the same ship! This game is made by the same developers as, two other games! All play mats are high resolution photographs of actual gaming tables built in our secret laboratory. No computer generated graphics at Kraken Wargames and thus no crappy textures! We are proud to rock the most exact measurements of your future play mat production allows and the thickness is the best of both worlds: Durability and weight of the. is a robust, ultra-fast image optimizer. Thanks to its vast array of optimization algorithms is a world ahead of other tools. Want to save bandwidth and improve your website's load times? Look no further and welcome to! Since its inception, the Razer Kraken has built a reputation as a cult classic within the gaming community. It made its mark as a staple at countless gaming events, conventions, and tournaments. We've now improved the features of this crowd favorite to not just give its audio quality a boost but also make it more comfortable so you can game.

The Sony PS5 will have the fastest data loading ever available in a mass market consumer device, and we think it may be even betterthan you have previously heard.What makes that possible is a fast SSD, an excellent IO stack that is fully independent of the CPU, and the Kraken hardwaredecoder. Kraken compression acts as a multiplier for the IO speed and disk capacity, storing more games and loading fasterin proportion to the compression ratio.

Sony has previously published that the SSD is capable of 5.5 GB/s and expected decompressed bandwidth around 8-9 GB/s,based on measurements of average compression ratios of games around 1.5 to 1. While Kraken is an excellent generic compressor,it struggled to find usable patterns on a crucial type of content : GPU textures, which make up a large fraction of gamecontent. Since then we've made huge progress onimproving the compression ratio of GPU textures, withOodle Texturewhich encodes them such that subsequent Kraken compression can find patterns it can exploit. The result is that we expect the average compression ratio of games to be much better in the future, closer to 2 to 1.

Oodle Kraken is the lossless data compression we invented at RAD Game Tools, which gets very highcompression ratios and is also very fast to decode. Kraken is uniquely well suited to compress game contentand keep up with the speed requirements of the fast SSD without ever being the bottleneck.We originally developed Oodle Kraken as software for modern CPUs. In Kraken our goal was to reformulatetraditional dictionary compression to maximize instruction level parallelism in the CPUwith lots independent work running at all times, and a minimum of serial dependencies and branches.Adapting it for hardware was a new challenge, but it turned out that the design decisions we had made to make Kraken great onmodern CPUs were also exactly what was needed to be good in hardware.

The Kraken decoder acts as an effective speed multiplier for data loading. Data is stored compressed on the SSDand decoded transparently at load time on PS5. What the game sees is the rate that it receives decompressed data,which is equal to the SSD speed multiplied by the compression ratio.

Good data compression also improves game download times, and lets you store more games on disk.Again the compression ratio acts asan effective multiplier for download speed and disk capacity.A game might use 80 GB uncompressed, but with 2 to 1 compression it only take 40 GB on disk, letting you store twice as many games.A smaller disk with better compression can hold more games than a larger disk with worse compression.

When a game needs data on PS5, it makes a request to the IO system, which loads compressed data from the SSD;that is then handed to the hardware Kraken decoder, which outputs the decompressed data the game wanted to the RAM.As far the game is concerned, they just get their decompressed data, but with higher throughput. On other platforms, Krakencan be run in software, getting the same compression gains but using CPU time to decode. When using software Kraken, youwould first load the compressed data, then when that IO completes perform decompression on the CPU.


Win at roullette. If the compression ratio was exactly 1.5 to 1, the 5.5 GB/s peak bandwidth of the SSD woulddecompress to 8.25 GB/s uncompressed bytes output from the Kraken decoder.Sony has estimated an averagecompression ratio of between 1.45 to 1 and 1.64 to 1 for games without Oodle Texture, resulting in expected decompressedbandwidth of 8-9 GB/s.

Since then, Sony has licensed our new technologyOodle Texturefor all games on the PS4 and PS5. Oodle Texture lets games encode their textures so that they aredrastically more compressible by Kraken, but withhigh visual quality. Textures often make up the majority of content of large games and prior to Oodle Texture were difficultto compress for general purpose compressors like Kraken.

The combination of Oodle Texture and Kraken can give very large gains in compression ratio. For example ona texture set from a recent game :

Zip 1.64 to 1
Kraken 1.82 to 1
Zip + Oodle Texture 2.69 to 1
Kraken + Oodle Texture 3.16 to 1

Win at roullette. If the compression ratio was exactly 1.5 to 1, the 5.5 GB/s peak bandwidth of the SSD woulddecompress to 8.25 GB/s uncompressed bytes output from the Kraken decoder.Sony has estimated an averagecompression ratio of between 1.45 to 1 and 1.64 to 1 for games without Oodle Texture, resulting in expected decompressedbandwidth of 8-9 GB/s.

Since then, Sony has licensed our new technologyOodle Texturefor all games on the PS4 and PS5. Oodle Texture lets games encode their textures so that they aredrastically more compressible by Kraken, but withhigh visual quality. Textures often make up the majority of content of large games and prior to Oodle Texture were difficultto compress for general purpose compressors like Kraken.

The combination of Oodle Texture and Kraken can give very large gains in compression ratio. For example ona texture set from a recent game :

Zip 1.64 to 1
Kraken 1.82 to 1
Zip + Oodle Texture 2.69 to 1
Kraken + Oodle Texture 3.16 to 1

Kraken plus Oodle Texture gets nearly double the compression of Zip alone on this texture set.

Oodle Texture is a software library that game developers use at content creation time tocompile their source art into GPU-ready BC1-7 formats. Undertale online mmo. All games use GPU texture encoders, but previous encoders did notoptimize the compiled textures for compression like Oodle Texture does.Not all games at launch of PS5 will be using Oodle Texture as it's a very new technology, but we expect it to be in the majority ofPS5 games in the future. Because of this we expect the average compression ratio and therefore the effective IO speed to be even betterthan previously estimated.

How does Kraken do it?

The most common alternative to Kraken would be the well known Zip compressor (aka 'zlib' or 'deflate'). Zip hardware decodersare readily available, but Kraken has special advantages over Zip for this application. Kraken gets more compression than Zipbecause it's able to model patterns and redundancy in the data that Zip can't. Kraken is also inherently faster to decode than Zip,which in hardware translates to more bytes processed per cycle.

Kraken is a reinvention of dictionary compression for the modern world. Traditional compressors like Zip were built around therequirement of streaming with low delay. In the past it was important for compressors to be able to process a fewbytes of input and immediately output a few bytes, so that encoding and decoding could be done incrementally. This was neededdue to very small RAM budgets and very slow communication channels, and typical data sizes were far smaller than they are now.When loading from HDD or SSD, we always load data in chunks, so decompressing in smaller increments is not needed.Kraken is fundamentally built around decoding whole chunks, and by changing thatrequirement Kraken is able to work in different ways that are much more efficient for hardware.

All dictionary compressors send commands to the decoder to reproduce the uncompressed bytes. These are either a 'match' to aprevious substring of a specified length at an 'offset' from the current output pointer in the uncompressed stream,or a 'literal' for a raw byte that was not matched.

Old fashioned compressors like Zip parsed the compressed bit stream serially, acting on each bit in different ways, which requireslots of branches in the decoder - does this bit tell you it's a match or a literal, how many bits of offset should I fetch, etc.This is also creates an inherentdata dependency, where decoding each token depends on the last, because you have to know where the previous token ends to findthe next one. Archicad 22 build 5009. This means the CPU has to wait for each step of the decoder before it begins the next step.Kraken can pre-decode all the tokens it needs to form the output, then fetch them all at once and do onebranchless select to form output bytes.

Kraken creates optimized streams for the decoder

One of the special things about Kraken is that the encoded bit stream format is modular. Different features of the encoder canbe turned on and off, such as entropy coding modes for the different components, data transforms, and string match modes. Cruciallythe Kraken encoder can choose these modes without re-encoding the entire stream, so it can optimize the way the encoder worksfor each chunk of data it sees. Orthogonality of bit stream options is a game changer; it means we can try N boolean options inonly O(N) time by measuring the benefit of each option independently. If you had to re-encode for each set of options (as in traditionalmonolithic compressors), it would take O(2^N) time to find the best settings. Power a 360 controller driver.

Kraken Games Online

The various bit stream options do well on different types of data, and they have different performancetrade offs in terms of decoder speed vs compression ratio. On the Sony PS5 we use this to make encoded bit streams that can be consumed at the peak SSD bandwidth so that the Kraken decoder is never the bottleneck. As long as theKraken decoder is running faster than 5.5 GB/s input, we can turn on slower modes that get more compression. This lets us tune the stream to makemaximum use of the time budget, to maximize the compression ratio under the constraint of always reading compressed bits fromthe SSD at full speed. Without this ability to tune the stream you would have very variable decodespeed, so you would have to way over-provision the decoder to ensure it was never the bottleneck, and it would often be wastingcomputational capacity.

There are a huge number of possible compressed streams that will all decode to the sameuncompressed bytes.We think of the Kraken decoder as a virtual machinethat executes instructions to make output bytes, and the compressed streams are programsfor that virtual machine. The Kraken encoder is then like an optimizingcompiler that tries to find the best possible program to run on that virtual machine (the decoder).Previous compressors only tried to minimize the size of the compressed stream withoutconsidering how choices affect decode time.When we're encoding for a software decoder, the Kraken encoder targets a blend of decode time and size. When encoding for the PS5 hardware decoder, we look for the smalleststream that meets the speed requirement.

We designed Kraken to inherently have less variable performance than traditional dictionary compressors like Zip.All dictionary compressors work by copying matches to frequently occurring substrings; therefore they have a fast mode ofdecompression when they are getting lots of long string matches, they can output many bytes per step of the decoder.Prior compressors like Zip fall into a much slower mode on hard to compress data with few matches, where only one byteat a time is being output per step, and another slow mode when they have to switch back and forth between literalsand short matches. In Kraken we rearrange the decoder so that more work needs to be done to output long matches,since that's already a super fast path, and we make sure the worst case is faster. Data with short matches or nomatches or frequent switches between the two can still be decoded in one step to output at least three bytes per step.This ensures that our performance is much more stable, which means the clock rate of the hardware Kraken decoder doesn'thave to be as high to meet the minimum speed required.

Kraken plus Oodle Texture can double previous compression ratios

Kraken is a powerful generic compressor that can find good compression on data with repeated patterns or structure.Some types of data are scrambled in such a way that the compressability is hard for Kraken to find unless that datais prepared in the right way to put it in a usable form. An important case of this for games is in GPU textures.

Oodle Kraken offers even bigger advantages for games when combined with Oodle Texture. Often the majority of game content is in BC1-BC7textures. BC1-7 textures are a lossy format for GPU that encodes 4x4 blocks of pixels into 8 or 16 byte blocks.Oodle Kraken is designed to model patterns in this kind of granularity, but with previous BC1-BC7 texture encoders,there simply wasn't any pattern there to find, they were nearly incompressible with both Zip and Kraken. Oodle Texturecreates BC1-7 textures in a way that has patterns in the data that Krakencan find to improve compression, but that are not visible to the human eye.Kraken can see that certain structures in the data repeat, thelengths of matches and offsets and space between matches, and code them in fewer bits. This is done without expensiveoperations like context coding or arithmetic coding.

It's been a real pleasure working with Sony on the hardware implementation of Kraken for PS5. It has long been ourmission at RAD to develop the best possible compression for games, so we're happy to see publishers and platforms takingdata loading and sizes seriously.

The Kraken is an animal in It is the Dragon equivalent of the ocean. You can press 'w' while being the kraken to create an all-encumbering whirlpool that can pull in every single animal in the game. This can be used to get animals that are teaming up with each other to kill you to kill each other. It can also be used to slow down other Krakens so you can get to a Killer Whale or Shark before them. There is also an orange Kraken in the game files. (octopus)

Ios Games Online

Land Animals
Mouse • Rabbit • Pig • Mole • Deer • Fox • Zebra • Donkey • Cheetah • Lion • Gorilla • Bear • Crocodile • Rhino • Hippo • Elephant • Dragon • Black Dragon
Aquatic Animals
Shrimp • Trout • Crab • Sea Horse • Squid • Jellyfish • Turtle • Stingray • Pufferfish • Swordfish • Octopus • Shark • Killer Whale • Blue Whale • Kraken
Arctic Animals
Chipmunk • Arctic Hare • Penguin • Seal • Reindeer • Arctic Fox • Muskox • Wolf • Snow Leopard • Walrus • Polar Bear • Wolverine • Sabertooth Tiger • Mammoth • Yeti
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